Corona Del Mar 5K

Race date: 6/3/2017

This was my first 5K run in Corona Del Mar. Some of my co-workers are regular runners and they tried to made a big group to join this event, so I decided to give it a try.

I prepared 6 weeks from a non-runner with 14 min/mile pace to start with. I was running 2 days a week in the first few weeks and then running 3 days a week. The distance was from 1.4 miles to 3.1 miles. That was my training plan.

I have been running since then. It also helps with my back pain since I always work in front of computer all day long. That’s why I think I can’t stop running.

Anyway, it was a fun event and you get food after run. Unfortunately, there is no medal, but you get a T-shirt.

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