How to train smart for running

I started running in 2017. It was for my first 5K. I grabbed a training plan online and tried to follow since I only had 6 weeks to prepare. I just wanted to finish the race without stopping.

After the race, I made the running to my weekly routine which was 3 times a week. I slowly added distance, but I didn’t focus on speed because I felt it was just good for my health.

In 2018, I saw my running speed increase on my route so I was thinking in order to run fast, you just need to keep running even I heard interval running. In 2019, I showed my training logs to a coach and she told me I trained too much, I should train smarter. At that time, I didn’t know what that meant. Now, I think that makes sense after I read some book and heard more training form other triathlete. So I decided to train smart. Here is my plan.


I used to run 3 times a week with 2 times for 9 miles and 1 for the distance long than 9 miles. It does cost me some time because I needed to arrange with my family and working schedules and also biking and swimming.

So I decided to follow the book I read. 1 interval, 1 tempo, and 1 endurance.

For interval, I currently run 30 mins on treadmill.

0-10min: starting with speed 5 and increase 0.2 every min as warmup. It ends up with speed 7.

10-20min: changing speed with this pattern. 7-8-7-8-7-8-7-8-7-8.

20-25min: changing speed with this pattern. 7-8-9-8-7.

25-35min: Cool down.

For Tempo: I currently run 45 mins on treadmill.

0-10min: starting with speed 5 and increase 0.2 every min as warmup. It ends up with speed 7.

11-30min: run with speed 7 for 20 mins.

30-40min: decrease 0.1 every minute and it ends up with 6.

40-45min: Cool down.

For endurance. I run at least 9 miles.

I am not sure if it can help my speed and I just started this month. I will review this end of this month to see if this smart plan is helping or not.

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