BMC Timemachine 02

This is my third bike and first Tri-bike. After I got my BMC Alr01 road bike, I kept thinking if I should get a Try-bike since I am doing triathlon. The fact is that I don’t need to. However, I still wanna try to ride on a Triathlon-bike to see the difference.

I spent couple months to search BMC Tai-bike to see if I can find one I can afford. I finally found one bike shop was in FL and was having some onsale. The deal was really good. The original price for BMC TM02 was $2,600 – $2,700 and it was $1600. Although I should spend this money since I just got my BMC Alr01 couple months ago, but I know me well because I would buy one anyway in the future. Anyway, I ordered it with ML (medium to large) size, I was kinda worried if it’s too big for me since SM was sold out, but after I have a bike shop assemble for me and they did a bike fir for me, it turned out really good.

If you ask me what’s the difference between tri-bike and road bike. I will say I ride my road bike for climbing since the crank set is 50/34 and ride my Tri-bike for longer distance because the crank set is 53/39 and the aerobars helps me for relaxing a little bit. You can buy aerobars and install on your road bike so the difference will depend on your crank set.

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