Irvine Half Marathon

Race date: 1/12/2019

This was my first official half marathon. I usually run this distance with my own training plan, but I think I should have an official record.

The course is not bad, mostly flat, so the only thing you need to worry is weather since it’s in January. I remember the day before the race day, it was still raining. I was thinking if I should go or not if it rained on the race day. It did rain little bit on the race day morning, but luckily, the sun came out right before the race. However some of the path got really muddy already. There was an area that was flooding and I ended up stepped in the mud and ran with the wet shoes. I crossed the finish line right before the heavy rain started. People who came back later needed running in the rain.

That should be a really good event because there were lots of free stuff and beers after you finished, but because of the rain, people left right away.

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