Bayshore 70.4

Race date: 3/7/2020

This is my second half Ironman distance race. I felt like I didn’t prepare as mush as the first one, but I think the course is easier than my first one, so I survived.

Swim (52:36:00)

The swim was long, and the water usually is cold between 56-60F. I felt like the swim was never ended.

T1 (2:15)

Since the swim area is not too far from T1, I think I saved some time.

Bike (2:53:21)

Bike course was fast enough. There was one small section for a hilly part, you really need to watch out. I almost stuck there. haha. Other than that, coming back was kinda challenge with some traffic lights. I was lucky to follow some experienced racer so I can easily got to T2.

T2 (1:51)

It was easy and normal

Run (1:53:02)

Running part was tricky because there wasn’t a better sign from T2 to running course. There was only a guy sitting in T2 and told me run there and I still went the wrong way. Fortunately I met an unfortunate guy who went to the wrong way and ran back and asked me if that was a right direction. Without him, I would waste more time. The run was along the beach which is easy, but there were two more climbing parts you need to watch out.

The whole race was good. 0.1 mile longer than a regular half Ironman distance, but it should be ok. T2 really needs to have a better sign for a first timer. The best part is that you get beers and food after you are done.

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